
Thursday, March 24, 2011

That's me!

Thrown and discarded,
used and abused,
a worthless piece of trash...
That's me!

The one who never,
could, should or would,
do anything for you....
That's me!

You thought something,
but what it was something else,
neither this, nor that...
That's  me!

You smiled, I smiled,
I smiled even to make you smile,
never shown my tears...
Thats me!

Its gud or its bad,
none could decide,
what I am, the ugly truth...
That's me!

I tried to be you, but I failed so bad,
I wanted to be me, it said permission denied...
That's me!

I wanted to live, but i was sentenced to death,
When i wished to die, death refused to be mine,
now living like dead...
That's me!


Lucifer said...

From the view point of an outcast...nice!

TheNaiveBlogger said...

Hey man...nicely done...very simply put into wud like to read a bit positive stuff from you.. :D.. :P

LONE WOLF said...

thanks lucifer and native! :D

TheNaiveBlogger said...

Bhai its Naive...and i guess u know both ur names...:P

TheNaiveBlogger said...


LONE WOLF said...

oops sorry naive,

well yea but its fun being in d alternate identity masks! ;)

Sammy SKJ said...

Hmmm interesting... looks like SOMEONE went an extra mile to prove against my dare to them. :-) too bad though cause i still stand by what i said... 3yrs n i still don't believe UR an eviliere. dare- 2weeks, be TOO NICE n goody goody like me n the world n U too will know UR a nice person. :-) dare is still on Imli ki chutni... 'dare' to take it??!!! :-)

LONE WOLF said...

@sammy problem is I cant be like tht...thats just not the bad guy here i was, i am and i alwys will be!! >:) Eviliere >)^