
Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Question...

A question keeps nagging me all the time…
Sometimes it intrigues me, Sometimes it angers me…
But still it is in my all the time!

Nothing changes, neither the question,
Nor its catalysts around me…

This question comes up…
When I feel a longing to get that swanky new gadget,
It also comes up, when I’m happy giving away…
My only meal of the day to a hungry child!
It comes up when people bet their all to win that extra buck over,
It also comes up, when I see someone sacrificing themselves for others!
It comes up when I see a Mercedes race by me,
It comes up when I see a poor family happy to survive a day another!
It comes up when I see a politician scam wealth of commoners,
It comes up when a martyr forgotten or lost!

This question is simple yet so difficult,
I am clueless as to who will hold the answer…
“What is it that drives us all,
Materialism's or Spiritualism's call?”